The Father that enjoy both work and parenting, I don’t have time ON and OFF. When going to play in park with kids and when going to work, My hands naturally take the shoe and I wear them out the front door. It’s not a hassle to choose, I just like it.
The Shoe that can be worn regardless of ON / OFF.
This time JUMONJI WORKS’s split-to-Derby shoe produced images of shoes that can satisfy such a greedy request.
Incorporating a formal and sexy curved design, Burgundy Cowhide is used for the upper, and for soles use Day & Night functional British made Dainite sole.
The shoe made with stitch down construction, It uses a traditional work boot in North America, make shoe rugged.
今回のJUMONJI WORKS のスプリットトゥ ダービーシューズはそんな欲張りな要求を満たせる靴をイメージして制作した。
フォーマルでセクシーさを感じられる曲線を取り入れたデザインに、バーゲンディーカウハイドをアッパーに使い、ソールにはDay & Night 履ける機能的なブリティシュメイドのDainaitソールを使用。

Giuseppe Valentio
Giuseppe Valentino was born in Italy. His father owned shoe manufacturing, and he helped his father business when he was young. After He worked in various Italian fashion industries in Italy, he moved to London and worked at Tom Ford’s Bespoke section.
After that, he worked as a crewmember of a luxury passenger ship and traveled over more than 50 countries, he reached Victoria, Canada in 2016. Currently he work at Viberg Boot.
He is also a father who raises two boys, and he is sending his quality time with them. Recently He bought a house and a new car. He says with a smile “We have to enjoy our life!”
ジョセピ ヴァレンチノ
ジョセピ・ヴァレンチノはイタリアで生まれた。若い頃、父が営む靴メーカーを手伝い、イタリアの様々なファッション業界で働いた。イギリスのロンドンに移りTom Fordのビスポーク部門で働いた。
その後、豪華客船の添乗員として働き、50カ国以上の国を旅してきた彼は、2016年にカナダのヴィクトリアにたどり着いた。現在はVIBERG BOOOTで働いている。二人の男の子を育てる父親でもある彼は、仕事に子育てと忙しい毎日を送ってる。最近は家も新車も買って上々だ。彼は笑顔で言う「人生楽しまないとね!」

Split toe Derby Shoes